
The Bookworm Bulletin is a newsletter for TEENS. It will feature new  books added to the collection, new books coming soon, a complete list of younger and older teen books added the previous month, things happening at the library that teens may want to know about, "Booky Trivia", and book picks from the librarians. Booky trivia will either be questions related to books, or fun riddles. Answers can be emailed to tgarza@newlondon.lib.ia.us, all correct answers will go in to a drawing and winner will get a full size candy bar of their choice.

The H.J. Nugen Public Library was established in the mid-thirties through the generosity of the late H.J. Nugen, a member of one of the early families residing in New London.  A sum of money and the income from Mr. Nugen's  estate was left to provide a public library for the community.   The library was dedicated April 22, 1938 after a great deal of preliminary work in the remodeled National Bank building.

Thoughts of a new library building began in the mid-sixties because of the crowded conditions in the bank building with no room for new materials.  The current library building was built with a federal grant, funds from the Everett Ramey estate, and a town drive that raised the additional funds to complete the building project.  The new building was opened for business on January 31, 1972.